

Introduction In the world of sports, equipment plays a crucial role in the performance of athletes. From running shoes to tennis rackets, each piece of equipment has its unique features that enhance the athlete's performance. In this article, we will explore the world of composite words in sports equipment and their meanings. Composite Words in Sports Equipment 1. Running Shoes Running shoes are an essential piece of equipment for runners. They provide support, cushioning, and stability to the feet while running. The composite words used in running shoes are: a. Cushioning - It refers to the material used in the sole of the shoe that provides shock absorption to the feet. b. Breathable - It refers to the material used in the upper part of the shoe that allows air circulation and keeps the feet dry. c. Lightweight - It refers to the weight of the shoe, which is important for runners as it affects their speed and agility. 2. Tennis Racket Tennis rackets are used in the game of tennis to hit the ball. The composite words used in tennis rackets are: a. Graphite - It refers to the material used in the frame of the racket that provides strength and durability. b. Oversized - It refers to the size of the racket head, which is larger than a standard racket head, providing a larger sweet spot for hitting the ball. c. Lightweight - It refers to the weight of the racket, which is important for tennis players as it affects their swing speed and control. 3. Golf Club Golf clubs are used in the game of golf to hit the ball. The composite words used in golf clubs are: a. Titanium - It refers to the material used in the clubhead that provides strength and durability. b. Oversized - It refers to the size of the clubhead, which is larger than a standard clubhead, providing a larger sweet spot for hitting the ball. c. Forgiveness - It refers to the design of the clubhead that reduces the effect of mishits and provides more distance and accuracy. 4. Hockey Stick Hockey sticks are used in the game of hockey to hit the puck. The composite words used in hockey sticks are: a. Composite - It refers to the material used in the shaft of the stick that provides strength and durability. b. Flex - It refers to the stiffness of the shaft, which affects the player's shot power and accuracy. c. Blade - It refers to the curved end of the stick that hits the puck. Conclusion Composite words in sports equipment play a vital role in enhancing the performance of athletes. They provide strength, durability, and flexibility to the equipment, which ultimately affects the athlete's performance. Understanding the meaning of these composite words can help athletes choose the right equipment for their sport, which can make a significant difference in their performance.



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